Focusing on You: Concussion Clinic Neurologists Help Patients Play Again

The unique subspecialty offers patients personalized treatment at UHealth’s Concussion Clinic.
Abraham Chileuitt, M.D., a sports neurologist at the University of Miami Health System, describes the signs and symptoms of a concussion. He also discusses how a team of specialists at UHealth’s Concussion Clinic works together to get patients back to enjoying the sports and activities they love – safely.
Focusing on you. Innovations in Modern Medicine from your team of experts at U Health, the University of Miami Health System.
Pam Giganti:
Competitive cyclist, Alexis Cespedes, survived a near-fatal collision with another rider during a race just one month ago.
Alexis Cespedes:
I crashed in the first lap. Hit the ground pretty hard. I was airlifted to the nearest trauma center.
Pam Giganti:
Alexis suffered a concussion and several broken bones. He soon met with Dr. Abraham Chileuitt, a Sports neurologist at U Health. So is this something that’s a specialty, talk to us about it, it seems like it’s a specialty that you wouldn’t see at all locations.
Dr. Chileuitt:
As for neurology, it’s a very brand new subspecialty that we have here. We need to assess injuries of the nervous system. The main one is going to be the brain, central nervous system, concussions. But we also do a lot of peripheral nervous system. We do counseling about people that have neurological problems and education that have neurological problems, headaches, multiple sclerosis, that want to engage in physical activity. Not only sports but physical activity.
Pam Giganti:
And while headaches can be the main symptom of a concussion, Dr. Chileuitt says there are other signs to watch out for.
Dr. Chileuitt:
Dizziness, imbalance, mental fog, confusion, nausea. Being irritable or emotional are very typical.
Pam Giganti:
He says every brain injury is different. And that’s why each patient at U Health’s Concussion Clinic receives personalized treatment by a team of specialists.
Dr. Chileuitt:
Psychology is heavily involved in people that have problems with the thought process. We have neuropsychologists and staff that are specialized in traumatic brain injury.
Pam Giganti:
Alexis says he wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for that helmet.
Alexis Cespedes:
It was pretty scary. The helmet, I have it right here.
Pam Giganti:
As soon as the U Health team gives him his clearance, Alexis plans to ride again, but with a life-saving message to everyone.
Alexis Cespedes:
Always wearing a helmet.
Tags: concussion, concussion symptoms, Dr. Abraham A. Chileuitt, sports medicine, sports neurology, UHealth Concussion Program