

Is Sports Betting Becoming a Health Problem?

5 min read  |  September 05, 2024  | 

 People have been wagering on the outcomes of sporting events for decades, if not centuries. But what has changed in recent years is ease of access. Sports betting was once available only in casinos or illegally, and now it’s at many Americans’ fingertips. For some, the temptation is just too great to resist. 

Why is sports betting gaining in popularity now?

In May 2018, the Supreme Court invalidated the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act. By mid-2024, 38 of the 50 states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have legalized sports betting.

In addition, new sports betting mobile applications and websites have made it easier than ever for people to bet on sports. You’re in on the action with just a few clicks and taps. And there are few restraints in place to determine how frequently or how much money you can bet.  

For some, making a small wager on a game now and then can be fun and relatively harmless.

The problem, says Felicia Gould, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist at the University of Miami Health System, is when it becomes tough for you to resist and begins impacting your life negatively.

“If you have strict limits on the amount you gamble or frequency, and you are able to stick with them, then it’s likely under control,” she says. “But if you find that you are continually betting more and more money, you can’t adhere to your limits, and you are having financial difficulty as a result, then gambling has become a problem.”  

According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the problems with sports betting is that it can gradually take hold in some people and worsen over time. As you continue to bet more and more, it creates a feeling of compulsion and can even change how your brain operates.  

In some cases, this can lead to the development of a gambling disorder.

If you or someone you know has four or more of the following signs or symptoms, then they may have a gambling disorder and need professional help: 

  • Constant thoughts of gambling, either of past or future wagers or how to get the money to gamble more. 
  • Chasing losses with bigger bets to earn the lost money back. 
  • Getting irritable or angry when not gambling. 
  • Lying to conceal gambling. 
  • Trying to stop gambling and failing at the attempt. 
  • Gambling to account for negative feelings like being depressed or anxious. 
  • Gambling with increasing amounts of money increases your excitement. 
  • Having financial problems or borrowing money due to gambling.  

Sports gambling is affecting the younger population. 

Problems are appearing more frequently in young men ages 18 to 24, the group most commonly targeted by the marketing for sports betting. The Responsible Gambling Council notes that 18- to 24-year-olds are more likely to develop gambling problems than other age groups, and they are also more likely to chase losses with higher wagers and bet more than they can afford.

“This is especially concerning because research has shown that the brains of these young men have not yet reached full maturity in their late teens and early 20s,” says Dr. Gould. “Thinking skills such as the ability to plan, consider negative consequences, make adaptive changes, show restraint or exert emotional control is not as developed in young men in late adolescence and the early 20s as it is in mature adults.” 

When you should seek help 

If you’ve noticed the signs and symptoms of gambling addiction and you’ve found that you are unable to change the behavior on your own, then Dr. Gould says it may be time to seek professional help with your gambling issues.

“There are several resources out there, including betting hotlines, gambling support groups and mental health counselors or therapists,” she says.  

If you have a gambling or substance abuse problem, the following resources can help:

Wyatt Myers is a contributor for Uhealth’s news service.


Sports Betting Statistics: Legality by State in 2024, Forbes, 2024,,one%20form%20of%20sports%20betting

Don’t bet on it: How to know when sports betting is more than entertainment, Mayo Clinic, 2024, 

Interview with Felicia Gould, PhD, an assistant professor of Psychiatry & Behavior Sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine 

These Are the Real Dangers of the Sports Betting Boom for Young Men, Newsweek, 2023, 

Gambling & Young Adults, Responsible Gambling Council, 2024,


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